I am delighted that you have found us. If you are looking for a new church home, we would love to have you visit us at our cathedral home located at 4500 Refugee Road on the southeast side of Columbus, Ohio. Ebenezer Baptist Church has a long and glorious history in the greater Columbus area, but the story is not over. God is beginning a new work and is pouring out His Holy Spirit in a powerful way. Souls are being saved and lives are being changed. If you've never been to Ebenezer or you haven't been lately, stop by and pay us a visit.

Come and get your praise on! There is something for everyone. We praise and worship the Lord as the Spirit leads. If you are looking for those old traditional hymns, we've got them. If you like more contemporary Gospel, we've got that too. Regardless, God is always faithful and meets us at Ebenezer every Sunday morning. You will not leave without a touch from God and feeling his power and love throughout the sanctuary.

Our Lord never intended that we should be regressive or remain stagnant in our faith. We are to be concerned with Christian maturity and this takes place through growth. How then does one grow? Our Lord answers this question in Matthew 11:29, "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me." If you are serious about your Christian growth, then it is imperative that you connect with a local body and learn of Christ. At Ebenezer Baptist Church the infallible WORD of God is preached, taught, and practiced.

If you should have any further questions after visiting the rest of our website, please do not hesitate to give us a call or just stop by. Consider this an open invitation to fellowship.

God's Blessings to You and Yours, Bishop Michael A. Dickerson, Senior Pasto

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Ebenezer Full Gospel Baptist Church
4500 Refugee Road | Columbus, OH 43232

Phone: 614-577-0095

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